Monday, 29 April 2013

GED Certification- Enhancing Career of Millions

According to the U.S, Census of 2010, more than 39 million people above 16 in the United States of America are not having high school diplomas. The reasons behind dropping out of schools include lack of parental support, becoming parents at an early age, poor financial conditions etc. For such people, this certification can be very helpful. GED stands for General Education Development.

 According to a study, about 7,000 students drop out of schools every day. Twenty five percent of the total dropouts quote lack of parental encouragement of support as the reason. Twenty one percent have to quit schooling as they become parents.
GED Classes
 In this education conscious world, it’s very hard for people without a high school diploma or GED certification to face challenges of the life. Employment and career prospects of these students are not very bright. The problems faced by the students which compels them to drop out of school should be eliminated completely. But it’s not that easy, especially when there are so many problems. In such situations, GED certification seems to be the best option. This certification can play a significant role in enhancing career prospects of a person.

Click here for more information.

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